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A total and permanent disability can have a severe impact on your life, which is why it is important to maximise your chances of success with your claim and receiv

A slip and fall on public or private property can seriously affect the quality of your life.

Evaluating permanent impairment in compensation claims requires a thorough clinical assessment that includes taking into account the injured party’s medical history, and all other

Negotiating a fair settlement for your compensation claim involves a number of considerations that you need to keep in mind.

Everyone in New South Wales is required to have CTP or Compulsory Third Party Insurance in case of a motor vehicle accident.

What is a TPD insurance claim?

The ability to be gainfully employed is at the core of being able to financially support yourself and your loved ones.

A motor vehicle accident can severely impact your lifestyle and ability to support yourself financially.

CTP or Compulsory Third Party insurance is an important safety net to help support drivers in case of an accident.

A permanent impairment is a term used to describe a severe disability suffered as a result of a workplace illness or accident.

A Workers Compensation Claim is vital to supporting a worker while they are recovering from a workplace injury or illness, however, sometimes without sufficient ev

Public liability claims cover a wide range of incidents that can happen in both public and private areas, they may include things like injuries due to animal attac

If you have been injured in the workplace you will likely have a number of options available to you to receive support as you are recovering from your injury including weekly payments, support for