03 June 2022

Our client sustained numerous physical and psychological injuries following his motor vehicle accident.

At the time of his car accident, our client was employed as a security technician, installing CCTV cameras, alarm systems, and other security systems for new buildings.  He worked full time and was married with two children.  He enjoyed playing cricket and going out with friends, swimming, and bushwalking.

On the day of the accident, our client, his wife, and his daughter were driving to meet a friend.  A car from a street on his left and came straight out across 3 lanes of traffic to turn right, directly in front of our client.  He slammed on the brakes to try and avoid a collision however the front of the other vehicle hit the front passenger side of his car.

Our client sustained numerous physical and psychological injuries following the motor vehicle accident.  He sought the assistance of LawAdvice in relation to a claim for CTP statutory benefits and common law damages.

In a claim for common law claim, a claimant can seek damages for loss of income and the impact that their injuries will have on their earning capacity into the future. Expert opinion reports regarding liability, investigator’s statements, medical evidence, and income loss documents are usually obtained in support of the claim.

Further, should injuries exceed 10% whole person impairment, a claim for pain and suffering can also be made. In this particular matter, the insurer did not agree that our client’s whole person impairment was greater than 10%. As such, an application was made with the Personal Injury Commission to determine the issue.

In the meantime, we engaged in settlement negotiations with the insurer in this matter. 

An informal settlement conference was scheduled, and multiple teleconferences were held between our client, our barrister, and the other side’s lawyers.  After multiple offers were exchanged, the parties came to an agreeable settlement. The agreed settlement figure was comprised of past and future economic loss and was more than $300,000.00 dollars. 

Our client was very happy with the outcome of this matter. Further, our client had undertaken extensive training in the real estate sales sector during the rehabilitation period after his accident. This training helped him to get back into the workforce in work that he was physically suited to perform. We wish him all the best with his new career.


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